
Saturday, 4 February 2012

BrainWashed Sheep

You are the Sheep... the Brainwashed Sheep...
the followers of the Dark ones whom enslave you. You are all Members of the Control System. Nothing more than Robots going through everyday life not knowing the Truth about life and the Multi-Dimensions that are all around you. You go through life not knowing that you yourself are a multi-dimensional being and have access to these other dimensions and higher beings around you. There are many higher vibrating beings sitting and waiting for you to awaken. But you will not have access to all this until you take off your blinders and seek the truth. I write these words simply as a Messenger of Light… a Bringer of Truth.
Yes you have all been brainwashed from the time you were a young child. Brainwashed so that you conform to that which the illuminati has set up to be a system of beliefs in every normal day life. You are fed poisons in your everyday food so that you will dummy down making it easier for you to be brainwashed. You are given chemicals in your everyday drinking water making it easier for you to follow the herd of sheep. You are given microchip implants through vaccinations. These implants are to shorten your life and to control your thoughts and the electrical system within your body. You must understand that you are all living in a prison with invisible bars being controlled by the Dark ones. You are trapped here until you have learned how to escape this Matrix and Spiritually evolve so that you do not have to incarnate here again. The Illuminati is a group of Elite… The Richest people on the face of this Earth who wish to enslave you to the material world. The word illuminati simply means one who is illuminated to certain knowledge. The Illuminati has the knowledge of how to escape this Matrix and Spiritually evolve and they want to keep it from you so that you will never know the true meaning to life and the afterlife so that they may continue their lives if greed, murder and corruption. But their days are numbered my dear friends.
They are not illuminated in the sense that they have a Halo…. No, for these are the Dark ones whom resonate to the Energies of Darkness. Their time on Earth here is running out. They will soon not be able to hide in their underground cities and bunkers as Mother Earth shall destroy them. They cannot escape their Karma. Understand that the Government, CIA, FBI, Police chiefs, the Media and Religious leaders are all controlled by the Illuminati. I ask you not to hate them or project violence to them. Send them your Vibrations of Love and help transmute their works of Darkness into the Light. For as the Energies of Mother Earth are changing in this new 10,000 year cycle… these Dark people will no longer be allowed to live in physical bodies here on Earth. They will have to change their ways or find another planet to incarnate on that still accepts Darkness. It is time for all of you to become Beacons of Light for the cities that you live in thus transmuting the Darkness of your city into light to prevent the wrath of Mother Earth from having to do her part in cleansing this Darkness.
 I ask you to read my words carefully and then sit back and ponder on these words. If you choose not to believe me that is fine. You may continue to walk through life with your blinders on thinking things are exactly how they appear around you and on TV. I am not asking you to follow me. I am not an Idol. I am a man of Wisdom whom only wishes to awaken those who will listen. I am asking you to read my words and open your mind. Wake up and smell the roses. Stop being a sheep. For as long as you keep your blinders on… you will be nothing more than a sheep… one who follows the herd.
These are the methods that enslave you to this physical world by the Elite…
From the time you are very young and indoctrinated into the school system you are being brainwashed. I am not speaking of English or math… I am speaking of science and history. History being the more predominant one in this case. You are given history books that tell you how history went down in the world. Most of this that you read in your history books is purely rubbish. It is written how the Elite want you to think history went down. They do not want you to know the atrocities that they have committed upon humanity.
For a very simple example… American history. The American military/government gave the Indians blankets for the smallpox virus on them to try to bring about Genocide on the true Americans. How does this make us any different than Hitler? You will not read this in your American history books. Yes you will read that there were battles between the American Indians and the military. But the truth is we came to their land and raped, pillaged and murdered them for our own interests. Then we gave them little pieces of land to live on. So understand that the land you are living on right now does not belong to you. You and I are not true Americans if you live in America. We are nothing more than occupiers. I will point out the Movie entitled “Avatar”. This movie was to be made and the information was given to James Cameron to make this movie to point out this same scenario. Yes in the movie the Rich Elite Corporation wanted to invade that Planet for it natural resources for purposes of their own Greed. Therefor they brought the military along with them. The military as you see in the movie were brainwashed by being told that the inhabitants were hostile and needed to be eliminated. Gee… let me think here… If someone was trying to invade my homeland I would not be happy either. So then you see a bunch of Marines all worked up being told by their Commander how hostile the inhabitants of this Planet were. So then you have these brainwashed humans eliminating a tribe of peaceful beings. Sounds so familiar to this day doesn't it? So if this had been a real life scenario here on Earth… the story would be much different in our history books. After I left the theater from watching this movie, I felt really guilty about what our Government did to the Real Americans… the Indians.
The Military brainwashes their people also and are the biggest offenders of this. They are the ones whom experiment on their own soldiers with chemicals and many other things they require them to be injected with while serving in the Armed Forces. Do not think for a minute that I do not know first-hand of this. My father served 26 years in the Marines with 3 tours of Viet Nam and he had told me of everything that went on. I respect all those in uniform but I truly feels sorry for you that you have been used as a pawn for greed. I will explain more on this in another page. And so the truth about atrocities and greed of the Government is always covered up by lies in our books and other media. Lie, lies, lies…. Nothing more than brainwashing those who simply accept what they are being told. Ye are the Sheep.
There are many things throughout history in the United States and around the world in other countries that are not told in your history books when you're growing up. The Elite want you to think that history happened the way they want you to think it happened. Just remember this… The truth is always out there and all you have to do is search for it and you will find it.
Once again from a small child you are brainwashed by the cartoons you watch. Understand that Walt Disney himself was deeply tied with illuminati. There are many Satanic and sexual subliminal messages in the majority of cartoons that are watched by our children.
This also goes for your TV shows and movies. These are all filled with subliminal messages. For those of you who do not know what a subliminal message is….  A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of the human mind's perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind, but in most situations they do affect the subconscious mind. Thus one day they will surface to the conscious mind unknowingly to us. TV shows and movies create fantasy for us and many of you think that this is how life is truly supposed to be. This is why I get so many emails from young people asking me how they can shoot fire from their hands or make lightning bolts come down from the sky. They just got done watching an episode of charmed or perhaps one of the Harry Potter movies. Don't get me wrong, the Harry Potter movies are excellent movies and I like watching them. But they are fantasy. This is not how the occult truly works. If you want to know how the occult truly works and I suggest that you start studying true magical books and work on getting in touch with your higher self and with higher beings of light so that the truth may be revealed to you. Even in magical books the truth is not always told. For much of the truth is hidden once again by the elite long ago just as they do now.
Reality shows:
Come on people… Get a life! It seems that television is filled with nothing but reality shows now. So let's stop here and think for a moment… The world we live in is not reality so in a way I guess it makes sense that the television crap we watch is not reality also. All of these shows are scripted. They are scripted so that there is plenty of drama to keep you entertained. The problem is many of you think that this is how life truly is and that the shows are real life issues. Wake the Fuck up people! To give you a quick example… The Kardashians… Do you people truly not have a life that you have to follow Kim Kardashian? On one of her recent shows she is shown crying her eyes out because the magazine she posed for showed too much nudity. This woman has already posed for Playboy. So WTF? If you yourself had to pose for a magazine and they ask you to take your clothes off and you did so… Then why would you cry because they show your picture on the cover of a magazine? It’s not like they snuck up to your window at night and took your picture. Scripted, scripted, scripted! This is bullshit television. Nothing but pure crap. But then there are those of you who will follow Kim Kardashian and other Stars on Twitter. This is truly the sign of someone with no life of their own. Do not get me wrong, Kim Kardashian is a beautiful lady... but do not idolize her. You have a life of your own. So do something productive with it!
MTV is the worst of the worst. What once used to be a Music Video show many years ago is now nothing more than a bunch of reality shows sucking the life out of people. Influencing the Minds of young people as to how life should be. Their newest show “Skins” is nothing more than child porn. Yes many young teens drink, do drugs and have sex. But why the Fuck are you promoting this MTV? You fucking assholeS should be prosecuted and put in prison for your moral violation on the youth of America. This simply the work of the Dark ones to keep you enslaved to life with drugs and Alcohol. Trust me when I tell you that these producers will be held accountable for all their actions by the Laws of Karma.
America Idol:
Good God…. This show seriously needs to be removed from the airwaves. This is nothing more than a Black Hole. Think about how many of you sit there waiting each week to watch this truly stupid show. You may ask me… "How this show a form of brainwashing"? Well the answer is… It is a form of brainwashing by the Elite designed to keep you stupid. This show keeps you glued to your TV each week to see who is going to be the next American Idol. Thus taking away from what you should be doing and that is working on your Spiritual development. Turn off your TV people! This TV show is for the weak and needy who have no meaningful life or who think that they can be the next superstar too or simply living vicariously thru these individuals. The truth is they are only going to be a pawn for the very Rich Elite. Yes they may become superstars but the majority of the money they make will go to the Corporation that put them there. But these people were too young and stupid to realize this so they sign their name on the dotted line. Then you have music that is created by the Corporation and not written by true artist. I am truly disappointed that Steven Tyler from Aerosmith is chosen to be on the show. He of all people should know that the show is pure crap and ruining the music scene. He knows that these young people who think they're going to be rich and famous are only going to be famous… Not rich. I am guessing that they must've offered quite a large sum of money to Mr. Steven Tyler in order for him to lower himself and be on the show. Steven Tyler had worked long and hard and pay his dues along with his band the stars that they are. They were not victims a large corporation. They made their large sums of money and were deserving of it. My point here is that he has given in to the greed and money machine of a large corporation which will only ruin the lives of these young people. And most of you after reading this will still set anxiously awaiting for your American Idol show the come on each week. Turn your TV off people or simply deal with your simplicity of life with blinders as you ignore your spiritual calling.
Twitter and Social Networks:
I have taken myself off of these social networks because they are nothing more than black holes. They suck the life out of you. Facebook and MySpace are sucking you into their black hole void so that they can sell your information thus making them more money. They are the biggest traps for identity theft, viruses and ways for the government to look at you in more depth. They lie about selling your information to third parties. They lie over and over again about these things. As I was once on both of these social networks I realized that it was sucking the life out of me and taking important time away from my spiritual path. Then we have twitter. This is the web site for those of you who truly have no life whatsoever or you think you're somebody important so you want those with no life to follow your every move. Hey look at me I'm going to the mall now, I'm going outside to check my mail, I'm going to a party today, listen to me bitch rant and rave, I'm going to take a shit now. Get a life people! Stop following the false idols and stop twittering about your every move in your daily life. This is a great way for someone who wants to break in your house to know when you're not home. Hey I'm going to a party today… hmmm thinks the criminal. This would be a great time to break into their house were there at the party or perhaps I will wait until they come home so I can rape them to. See my point? This also gives the FBI, CIA and any other government agency the ability to know everything you're doing. I myself prefer privacy. I don't want people to know where I'm going or when I'm coming home. For this gives them an advantage over me. All this time that you people spend on Twitter could be better used working on your spirituality and raping your vibrations so that you will be better adapted for this next 10,000 year cycle of life here on earth
Video Games:
We all love video games and yes I myself love the violent ones. But I have changed my views on that after being made aware of the effects it has on my mind. It is okay to play video games that are nonviolent for they do stimulate the mind and this is a good thing. But the violent games of killing people and monsters brings about negative vibrations within our own aura. It plants the seeds within our subconscious mind. This does not mean that if you play violent video games that you're going to go out and kill someone. It does however mean that it is planting seeds of negativity within your subconscious mind thus slowing down your chance of spiritual progress and keeping higher vibrating beings away from you. Thus attracting lower vibrating Spirits and Demons. This also goes for violent and bloody movies that portray killing as a glorious thing. By playing and watching these sort of things we attract to us the negative entities that thrive on this lower type of energy. I am not saying that violent video games should be banned in any way shape or form. I am saying to those of you who are reading this to simply understand the effects it has on your spiritual growth. It is a form of brainwashing… a method of keeping you in a state of lower vibrations. For some of you this may lead to wanting to join the military so that you may go and kill people. For others it will simply dumb you down just like the MSG in that egg roll and fried rice you a last week. Something to think about.
Cell Phones & Texting:
This will be quick... put down yer damn phone and stop Texting! Many of you live for this shit. I don't know how you have existed in the days of my youth where there were no cell phones. That was when we simply enjoyed life. Put yer damn phone down and do something that will make a difference in this World or in your life. Once again we have a device out there (cell phone) that sucks you in like a Black Hole and helps you dummy down some more.
Music is a big influence on people's vibrations and thought process. Music can be very brainwashing. This can be good and this can be bad. Anyone who has studied the effects of music knows that certain types of music bring about different types of feelings. As some music makes you feel like you are in love or that you are heartbroken and sad… some music such as New Age music helps you get in touch with your higher self and helps to raise your vibrations. It actually helps your auric field and strengthens it. Then you have hard rock which once again lowers your vibrations. Don't get me wrong… I love hard rock and always have. Although I listen to much less of it these days as I'm trying to raise my vibrations. Ask anyone who is been to War and they will tell you that they listen to hard rock before going into combat. Many of them listened to a band known as ”Slayer”. An excellent hard rock band they are indeed. But this type of music brings about anger, hatred and aggression. This type of music gets you pumped up and ready for aggression. So I totally understand the method to the madness when it comes to listening to this sort of music before going into combat. Even when you watch commercials for the Armed Forces you will hear music by Godsmack. I have to admit that even when I watch the commercials it makes me feel like joining and going out to shoot the enemy. I remember when I played in a rock band for years I would listen to extreme heavy rock music before going out to play that night. This would get me into an aggressive mood. This is because I would like to fight with people. So I know how it affected me and how I acted in society.  I have since outgrown that era of my life. So my point is that hard rock music affects your auric field and puts you into a state of aggression and negativity as it is lowering your vibrations and causing higher vibrating beings not to be around you. Then of course we have Rap music. So many of you may like this music and that is fine also. But this music also lowers your vibrations and does nothing good for your auric field. It implants images into your mind that all women are ho’s and bitches and that it is okay to treat women this way. This music is also filled with the “N” word which many black people think it’s okay for them to say it simply because they put the letter “A” on the end of it instead of “er”. This simply brings attention to the word thus bringing up even more racial thoughts into the world. The use of this word in music and everyday life needs to simply go away. So you see the effect that this music has on society by bringing about more racial tensions.
The other effect that music has on the population is that of creating false idols. You should be worshiping the Divine Self within your own being. Instead you are worshiping Lady Gaga, Madonna or Justin Bieber. Women are the worst when it comes to this. Sorry ladies but this is the truth. Young women especially teens get excited and cry when they see their idol in concert. All I can say is WTF? So you see the effect that worshiping these false idols has upon you. If you watch old footage of the Beatles or Elvis you will see many women crying and fainting when they see them. These stars that you worship are simply normal people with more of a fucked of life than you or I. They are not Celestial Gods and they need not be worshiped. But now you see the effect that music has on people's lives.
So now you see the affect that these types of music have on the mind and how we act in society. Thus we have a form of brainwashing. My suggestion to you is limit your listening to most of these types of music except for that of New Age music. If you want to attract higher vibrating beings and elemental spirits around you… then you need to be listening to New Age or classical music. For the vibrations in these types of music is much higher as they were originally channeled from a higher source. Whereas the other types of music were channeled from the Underworld and the Astral Planes.
Here we have the biggest liars on the face of the earth. They release stories and pictures from outer space so that can see the beauty of our Universe. The truth is they are brainwashing you into thinking that there is no other life out there. They have covered up and lied about extraterrestrial contact for years. They doctor up photos so that you do not see the extraterrestrial spacecraft in the pictures. They lied to us when they said they landed on the moon several times. Can you say bullshit? That was all filmed in a studio and trust me when I tell you that anyone involved in this project were threatened with their life if they ever supposed this information. They have brainwashed everyone into thinking that the planet Mars is red. Can you say Photoshop? They don't show you the pictures of buildings and Pyramids on Mars or the cities that were destroyed by possibly nuclear weapons. NASA knows that there was and is life on Mars. They know that there is life on many planets. But they want to keep you brainwashed and thinking simple. They want you to think that you are the only living beings in this Universe… just as they lie about all the UFOs that have been seen by humans thousands of times. I myself have over 3,000 UFO pictures that I have taken personally myself. I have also communicated with the Celestial Gods that control these Skyships. So I know firsthand that NASA is as corrupt as you can get. They brainwash you into thinking that extraterrestrials do not exist just as the Bible brainwashes you into thinking that you will go to hell do not believe in their system. Need I say more? But at least the Bible does reference UFO's.
The Media:
This consists of World News, magazines and newspapers. They are all controlled by the illuminati. You are only shown on the news that which they want you to be shown. They show you that in which they wish for you to believe. Just like in war they have implanted reporters to show you the war the way they want you to see it. They are not going to show you the atrocities that are committed. They are not going to tell you about the illuminati or any secret shadow government. Anyone who ever points this out on the news is simply made out to be a fool or crazy.
I am sure that most of you by now know about Wiki Leaks and Julian Assange. Our media and all our government officials are calling him a terrorist and that he has blood on his hands. This is because our government/CIA/military are scrambling to debunk him. They do not want the world to know about their atrocities, greed and corruption. They don't want you to know the truth of why they are really at war. They don't want you to know that war is all about funding World Bank's and weapons builders. They don't want you to know that that war is also about “Culling” the population. So our government works with the Swedish government to come up with some bullshit charges against Julian Assange to accuse him of rape so that they can put him behind bars and stop him from exposing the truth. But thanks to many hackers out there… There have been hundreds of mirror sites up and running to keep his information on exposing corruption and greed to the public. So I must thank all you hackers out there for a job well done! I would love to shake your hand on keeping the truth accessible. So you see this shows you how the news media works for the government and how they want to brainwash you into thinking that this man is a terrorist. This man has never blown up anything nor has he convinced anybody who commit acts of violence. He has only exposed the actions of greed, corruption and murder of many governments around the world. As time moves forward you will see many others come forth exposing the truth of the dark ones. As I told you before the time has run out for the illuminati/dark ones. More and more they will be exposed thru other means of media other than the world news. Thanks to the Internet this information will be exposed to the world. But as you can see our current administration is trying to implement a bill that would give our President the ability to have a “kill switch” for the Internet. They try to say on the news that this is simply so that they can shut down terrorist web sites. This is only partially true. Yes it is a good thing that they will be able to shut down terrorist web sites but it also gives them the ability to shut down web sites like Wiki Leaks. They want to be able to shut down the Internet if they have done something bad and they do not want the public to know about it. So tell me… What makes our government any different than Iran or China when it comes to censorship? Yes we have more freedom than those countries when it comes to speech but trust me our government is working on curbing that freedom. Their idea of a New World order is one of totalitarianism. Do not believe for a minute that this is the work of the Democrats or the Republicans. This is the work of both parties together as they have the same agenda behind closed doors. Everything you see on the news is nothing more than a dog and pony show. I ask all of you out there to expose the truth when you find it. Do not worry about the consequences. As long as you are not committing acts of violence or hatred then you have done nothing wrong. It is not against the law to expose atrocities or acts of greed or war crimes. Stay strong, stand tall and become a beacon of light for Mother Earth so that she may rid this planet of those who choose not to raise their vibrations and work with the light.
Of all types of brainwashing there are… The world news is also in the worst of the worst offenders. The news is designed to make you angry and get you worked up so that your energy levels are in sync with the darkness… therefore enslaving you to the material world. They do not expose the truth of what goes on behind closed doors in our government. They only expose that they choose for you to know and believe. The best advice I can give to all of you is to turn your god damn TV off! At least stop watching the news. Watching your local news is not quite as bad and that will help you to know about things that are going on in your local area but the world news is the one that you need to stop watching. It will only stir up your feelings of anger, hatred and negativity. This messes with your own energetic field bringing your vibrations to a new low each day as you watch this crap that they try to brainwash you with. Even networks like Fox news who is known for showing both sides of the fence is nothing more than crap designed to get you worked up. They put a left-wing moron against the right wing moron to argue things out. This way you think you get to hear both sides of the argument. But truly this is doing nothing more than getting each side of the fence worked up into a frenzy of anger and hatred.
So please do yourself a favor and turn your TV off. Spend your time in a better way by meditating and asking your higher self and higher beings to bring the truth to your conscious mind.
Now we come to magazines. Most all of you know how fake the covers of these magazines are. Simply look at how airbrushed the faces and bodies are of these women that are on the covers of these magazines. No one looks like that in real life. This is pure crap. I personally would rather see a woman who is made up nicely but is not airbrushed. I want to see a real woman not something that was produced from Photoshop. They take many women who are more full figured and make them look skinny. They take women who are already thin and make them look even skinnier. Thus making young girls think that this is how they are supposed to look… another form of brainwashing. I will take for example the cover of the recent Rolling Stones issue which shows the singer Katy Perry. She is a beautiful young lady who I would give my left nut for. But they have airbrushed and altered her image to make her flawless. She is already naturally beautiful and did not need for them to do this. But that is ok… Rolling Stone magazine… your days are numbered. Your sales have plummeted. Who the hell wants to buy an overpriced magazine that is more like a freaking newspaper?
There are also many magazines that use subliminal messages on the covers and in the advertisements. Hidden words in photos that you see but your conscious mind does not pick up on them. However you subconscious mind does. Sex is the most common word used to sell products and you won’t see the word sex… but it is there hidden. I will soon have a whole other page on Subliminal messages.

I'm going to make this paragraph somewhat short because it could truly go on forever and ever. The truth about politics is that we are all brainwashed into thinking that our vote counts. I am telling you the truth when I say that your vote means absolutely nothing when it comes to voting for a President. Presidents are not elected. They are “selected”. Yes they are selected by the illuminati according to their bloodline and they are nothing more than puppets for the illuminati. This is why we have some brainless wonders in the White House every four years. I don't care if you're a Clinton fan, Bush fan or an Obama fan. You need to get your head out of your ass and understand the truth on how politics work. You must understand that Bush, Obama, Clinton and even Sarah Pain come from the same bloodline. Their bloodline goes way back to the time of Babylon. You must truly understand this or the joke is on you.
Politics around the world are controlled by shadow governments/illuminati. Here in America we have two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans or left-wing/right-wing. This is nothing more than a means to pit one man against another. It is designed to create anger and hatred towards fellow man. This is easy to see when you look at people who get so worked up to the point of violence against someone who does not believe what they believe when it comes to politics. This is a good reason not to ever put a political sticker on your new car unless you want to be keyed by some asshole on the other side of the fence. I have some friends that are well studied in the occult yet they still believe that being a conservative or liberal and only voting for one party will really make a difference. They do not understand and they refuse to see the light when it comes to the government being controlled by a darker force. Everyone needs to stand back and take a deep close look. Do not stand on the left… Do not stand on the right… Stand in the middle and pay attention to what is going on. Do not hate your fellow man because he believes something different than you and if most of you do not believe my words, that is fine also. Do some homework and study about the illuminati. Most mainstream people have no freaking clue of what the illuminati is or its existence. These Democrats and Republicans work together behind closed doors on their agenda of creating a system of totalitarianism hence the New World Order. But the New World Order is not going to be how they so choose. There will be a New World Order and it will be one of light and not of the darkness that our governments work with now. The government that you see in place now is nothing more than a Satanic organization that deals in blood sacrifice and pedophilia in secret places in the cover of darkness. They performed blood sacrifice on children in such a way to keep the entities that possess their bodies happy. Yes most of these high government officials are possessed. They are possessed by beings of an extraterrestrial race that want to keep us enslaved. Yes you'll never hear this type of information on the news. Even when a newscaster had once asked President Bush about the Skull and Bones Society… Mr. Bush simply answered “I can't tell you anything because it's a secret”.
So do not pit yourself against your fellow man. Pray that he will awaken and understand the truth about politics and shadow governments. I myself am not some crazed conspiracy theorist. I have asked all of this information to the Celestial Gods named Enki and Enlil. I have received most all the answers that I have asked for. So that which I'm telling you now is the information that I have received and there is much more to be told. This is not information that I read in some book.
This is the worst of them all. Not everyone is indoctrinated into a religious system when they are young but the majority of us have been. If you are in America then from the time you are just a wee little one you are taken to Sunday school and church to learn about the Bible. You are immediately indoctrinated into a system of fear. You learn all the Bible stories which are simply metaphors for something else that happened and you are taught about Heaven and Hell. So from this very young age you are having fear installed in you. Now you will go through life thinking that if you are a bad person and do not believe… Then you will go to Hell. You are not being taught the true message that Christ came here to bring us. You're being taught a message of fear that was developed by the church and illuminati. Trust me when I tell you the church and illuminati go hand-in-hand. In other countries and cultures they have their own religious systems to bring about fear and lies. Think of the brainwashing that the extremists of Islam a put upon their young people. Young people are very susceptible to new ideas and thoughts. You have to be completely brainwashed to think that some God is going to reward you with virgins and rivers of wine if you just blow yourself up and kill a bunch of innocent people. Wake the Fuck up people…! So many people go through life with these blinders on and simply do not analyze that which they are being taught. So my point here is simply that you have been brainwashed into a belief system and therefore you go through life thinking that this is how things are and there is nothing more. You go through life thinking that the words of some religious book written by a human are the words of God himself. I will refer you now to my more extensive page on the subject ” The Control System - Religion”.
What now…………..?
So now I ask you all to awaken to your true higher self. Turn off your TV. Stop reading magazines. Stop playing violent video games. Sit and meditate often. Ask your higher self to come in and show you the way and the truth. Call upon the higher beings… The ascended Masters such as Christ, Mary, Archangel Michael, Ganesh, Archangel Gabriel, Enlil or Enki. There are many, many ascended Masters awaiting for your call. They are waiting for you to Awaken and call for their assistance so that you may become a Beacon of Light. Mother Earth is awaiting for you also. There will be many Catastrophes upon this planet brought forth by Mother Earth changing her frequencies. She does not do this out of anger. She does this out of love in order to change Earth and its frequencies into the light. She must cleanse the earth of these dark frequencies.
Stop being a Sheep. You do not need to follow anyone. You need to awaken and follow your true intuition and heart. It is no longer cool to be dark. Being cool will get you nowhere the spiritual world. Even though my web site was originally set up to show people how to do spells and the magical arts… It will now be following into showing people true Alchemy. The Alchemy of the Self. It is not about transforming a stone into a piece of gold. It is about transforming yourself into a higher vibrating being so that you will have access to all the multi-dimensions around you. So that you'll have access to these Ascended Masters so that they may help you in your everyday affairs. Once you transform yourself into a Beacon of light and raise your Vibrations, you will find that your life will go so much more smoothly. The Universe will take care of you and make sure that you are fed and that you have a home to live in. It is time for all of you to unplug yourself from the control system. It is time or you no longer be the brainwashed victim that you have been all your life. Trust me when I tell you that I myself was once a sheep/victim of the control system. It was not until I truly changed my life, raise my vibrations and awaken that I was given the Truth in most all matters. I ask you not to act in anger or violence to those Elite who enslave you. Simply project your love towards them. Violence will only set you backwards on the Path of Enlightenment. Go in Peace and Unconditional Love towards all humanity.
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